Performing Excorsism on my PC

Not real ghosts!

But ghost applications that are not reported in the Add/ Remove Programs on the PC? this may happen with any program and then they just keep consuming memory and CPU.. how do u get rid of them?

In one of my machines, i was seeing SQLExpress instances running when i had uninstalled the same already..

the research on the internet led to:

here's the trick:

  1. Download
  2. Extract the contents of to the folder c:\msiinv on your system
  3. Click on the Start menu, choose Run, type cmd and click OK
  4. Run c:\msiinv\msiinv.exe -p > c:\msiinv_output.txt
  5. Look at the output from msiinv.exe in a text editor such as notepad and locate each of the products that are installed that have SQL 2005 in the name
  6. Click on the Start menu, choose Run and type cmd
  7. For each of the SQL 2005 product codes found in the msiinv.exe output, run msiexec /x {Product Code} from the cmd prompt - this command will likely generate the same errors shown above but it is good to run it just in case
  8. Download the smartmsizap tool
  9. For each of the SQL 2005 product codes found in the msiinv.exe output, run smartmsizap.exe /p {Product Code} from the cmd prompt

Go exorcise the ghosts from your PC..


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