
Showing posts from December, 2008

In recession – Cut Costs: Microsoft India Shows How

The one thing i keep hearing everyday is cost cutting that is going on everywhere. Layoffs are more drastic of these cost cutting measures. Our company has also done its own bit of cost cutting (without firing anyone yet!).. Microsoft India has launched a website - that can help enterprises cut costs. The site showcases prominent Indian business leaders at the site. To start, you just choose the scenario that you think is creating cost bloat in your organisation and the site will recommend tools and technologies that will help you streamline that process. At the site you can also pre—order the CFO toolkit that contains 10 ways to control costs. In addition, the site features a bunch of case studies from customers who have experienced cost savings. If one wanted to setup a discussion on cutting cost with an expert within Microsoft, they can do the same at the site. In the current times, this is an excellent move by Microsoft to help the customers

Microsoft launches Answers website in BETA

Consumers worldwide now have another way of seeking help from peers. Microsoft has today launched Microsoft Answers BETA: for providing community support for Windows Vista. If you have an issue or want to learn a few things about Windows Vista, this may be your destination. Microsoft Answers Website is: · A rich, interactive community self-help experience moderated by Windows Vista support engineers. · One place for consumers to quickly and easily find Windows Vista support content from Microsoft and the community. · A site built with consumers in mind—from content to tone to aesthetic. Till The landscape for Windows community support has been dominated by 3rd party communities e.g. neowin, winsupersite. If you are in India, there is an option that you may want to explore. The community at has been active for more than 2 years and has an impressive base of over 6000 users. The forums are extremely active there and

Technocratical Society

In the past days, I haven’t been blogging. A lot has happened in that time – terrorist attack in Mumbai, MNS lost track, global recession set in and Congress advanced in the country. Here’s an ode to the state of the society as viewed by my nephew, Shantanu Chandra who is in Class XII, Amity International, Gurgaon. The lines below capture the times prevailing and the need for us to drop the “chalta hai” attitude but with caution: This techie world of gizmo and gadget This eerie feeling of incongruous widget Which gives us pleasure and takes pain Along with it makes us insane; Absurdness to such a horizon from where one would never fall And still people call you “Microsoft—…That’s all” A teen like me can’t do without a mobile-call Even though I know it is killing my brain cells, after all; This techie world of gizmo and gadget Makes a non-techie guy weird and hollow The bureaucrat are more concerned about their Sunday meal Than to serve the poor people whose w