Vacationing at Hoshiarpur
my holidays are coming to an end. holidays that are entirely spent at home.. i kept the resolution of not touching my computer during the entire holiday.. last but one day i have broken it.. taking some time to check out some of the mailboxes that are getting flooded.. the respite is i have not still checked my official mailbox..
i will be back in bangalore late night on June 27th.. joining office on June 28th..
the holiday was a relieving break and i am already feeling revitalised :)
So what all did i do in vacations?
1. Went to Hoshiarpur, Punjab where my parents stay
2. Ate and Slept (pure luxury) and the loop kept repeating
3. Caught with few family friends
4. Enjoyed a 10 hour drive (one way) from Delhi and back with good roads and drive through the fields of Punjab
5. Had a severe stomach ache but still kept on gorging on food
6. Saw "Main Hoon Na" in the nice little home theatre at home
7. Played with children in the house
8. Went shopping with mom and sist...