First Look on Zune 3.0

ZuneZune, the iPod rival, has released its version 3.0.. the release further enhances the utility of the hardware available on the device.. Zune distinguishes itself from iPod by including FM tuner and WiFi ability at the same price as iPod.. the v3 release includes additional functionality for FM tuner and WiFi..
“Buy from FM”
This feature lets you download the song that u hear on the radio of your Zune.. this download will happen the next time you sync your device.. i am not sure if this will work for Indian FM stations.. wud check this feature soon..
zune2 “Browse Zune Marketplace wirelessly”
You can download music directly to your Zune from any wireless hotspot at home, at a café or wherever else.. earlier u cud only stream wireless music within ur home network.. if ur in US, you can wirelessly sync ur Zune at any McDonald's restaurants..
Zune 3.0 come preloaded with Texas hold 'em and Hexic. you can now play games on your Zune.. in addition, if u want to create new games for Zune you can using XNA studio (that is available for free)..
A nifty new feature added to Zune is the clock that gets displayed on top right of your screen.
zunepasshero“Zune Channels”
Zune marketplace introduces a new feature called channels. Channels are predefined playlists. However, this is only available to Zune Pass holders (USD 15).. with this Zune Pass, you can download unlimited no. of songs from the marketplace.. i think the channels greatly enhance the value of Zune Pass.. i especially like the fitness channel there.. also present are radio stations like KROQ and KEXP and by Billboards…
I use my Zune the most for listening to podcast.. And now Zune natively supports audiobooks from and OverDrive..
zuneplayerSome additional new hardware available:
  1. Both 16GB and 120GB Zune devices have been added to the lineup
  2. Additional colours added are glossy black front and a black metal back
  3. More designs are now available to personalize your Zune via Zune Originals
With this update, Zune becomes a complete entertainment device and much more useful than iPod that is still only a music player…
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Anonymous said…
Looks like. its time to buy Zune. Wish i could buy zune pass from amazon :-).
Anonymous said…
I don't understand one simple thing. Why they don't include a web browser on it. Or they already have?
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