Watch Bill Gates talk about innovation in India

 Bill Gates Photo Bill Gates, the prodigious Founder & Chairman of Microsoft is in India.

Tomorrow he is going to be talking about the innovation opportunities in India and how Microsoft is going to be supporting the same.. the talk is scheduled to be in IIT Delhi from 2:00 PM…

I am going to be attending the event. I have clicked a photo of my exclusive pass here :).. BTW, if u were a member of Delhi Bloggers you could have had an opportunity to attend this as well…

event pass

If you are not attending the event live, you needn’t miss out on the fun. The event will be broadcast live. You can watch with me as he speaks (over webcast). Simply click on my pass image to register and watch starting 2:00 PM tomorrow….

When Bill Gates talks, he talks BIG… I am sure that I would have a lot to share after the event. So keep watching this space.

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