Solving the multi-platform challenge in mobile devices

imageThe writing is on the wall is clear with mobile devices becoming mainstream business devices. In addition to the current workhorse – the PC, consumers and businesses are adopting internet connected smartphones and tablets in record numbers.

The path for mobile device enablement for businesses is fragmented and full of challenging decisions. This starts from mobile application landscape being multi-platform and multi-resolution. While Android uses Java, iOS uses Objective-C, Windows Phones use .NET. Natively hitting all of these environments requires one to build multiple versions of an app and to learn multiple technology platforms. New challenges also open up with the client devices in deliver visualizations and touch enablement.

How to work with multi-platform challenge

Fortunately there exists a solution to this madness in HTML 5. This stack takes advantage of browser based technologies and hence can run on all of the major mobile platforms as well as desktop platforms. However, the problem of “native” looking applications remain. In addition, we need new frameworks that support these client side development methodologies.

Kendo UI framework addresses these issues effectively. Kendo UI helps developers build apps and sites for mobile devices that always look and feel native from a single common code base. On iOS, Kendo UI Mobile widgets look native to iOS. On Android, they look and feel like Android apps. And on BlackBerry, like BlackBerry Apps.

With Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG ) the graphics can scale up and down with ease. This is important as one tries to display charts on mobile devices with limited bandwidth. Kendo UI leverages the power of HTML5 SVG or VML to deliver animated data visualizations (e.g. Pie, Line, Bar, Column, and Scatter charts) capable of running in desktop browsers and mobile devices.

Kendo UI really is an HTML 5 framework that you can use to build modern, interactive, JavaScript applications that have full support for touchscreen devices, such as the iPad . It delivers a rich framework for client-side data binding, templating, animation, and drag-and-drop actions. All delivered in a package so that one can use one set of tools to reach a wide array of browsers.

Learn more about it at:


Covers said…
hmmm ! nice post problem is real. nice to follow your blog...:)
Vidhya said…
I am still confused of using Kendo UI or JQuery Mobile.

JQuery Mobile has open source community advantage and it is really hard decision to switch over to Kendo UI. Is it possible for you to write a good blog post about why i should switch to Kendo UI over JQuery Mobile?
great post said well in this post in future we will adopt tablets as our business helpers not the notebooks.
Sunita Banerji said…
Great insights there. Reading it on the last day of the year 2012 really puts a spring in my enthusiasm w.r.t to my company's digital marketing strategy for the coming year! What you say about capturing the audience that already exists is so true. I own a private detective agency in Mumbai (rebranded as Private Intelligence!) and we recently underwent a re-branding exercise - created a new SEO-friendly website, revamped our content, started a daily blog written by our top executives and increased our efforts to target and reach out to our customers by being more open, friendly and communicative. What I observed was that most of the companies operating in the 'private detectives and investigations' space are hopelessly out of sync with the times. A quick search through the websites of such companies will quickly reveal that these agencies are being run by over-the-hill professionals who have had it easy so far due to word-of-mouth but have failed to capitalise on attracting a net-savvy clientele. And this is not just in our industry but in almost every local services business in India. Business for us has picked up at an astonishing pace after we rebranded our communication strategy with 90% of our business now contacting us through our SEO / SEM efforts and might I add at the expense of much older well established businesses. Let me outline the single most important factor that any digital marketer has to build into their campaign - TRUST. Like Rohit Bhargava stresses in his first book 'Personality Not Included', businesses today must have a personality and must be likeable and must communicate a one-to-one approach with customers that is bereft of old-school cliches and a distant and aloof approach. When customers like you, they start to trust you and when faced with choices it is easy to see whom they will trust with their money and their time - the company that is open, transparent, tech-friendly, design-savvy and quick to respond to their customers!
randy said…
Hi, very interesting post thanks for sharing. Can I contact your through your email. Thanks!

randydavis387 at
Unknown said…
Really interesting article, definitely people will adopt to use multi platforms on future...

dlsiren said…
hmmm ! nice post problem is real. nice to follow your blog...:)
News Bucket said…
Good information. I have bookmarked.

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