The Microsoft Professional Developers Conference 2005

Dates are out for the PDC 2005..


PDCs are held to aligh with key product development milestones and are held every couple of years.  There isn’t a periodic schedule set for PDC.


Microsoft Professional Developers Conference, PDC 2005

Dates: September 13 – 16, 2005.  (Pre-conferences September 11 and 12)

Location: Los Angeles Convention Center, Los Angeles, CA.


More information about PDC 2005 and sign up for receiving updates, including news on registration can be done at:


We can expect to hear about Longhorn, Avalon, WinFX, and Indigo and  lots of innovations that will cover many aspects of the Microsoft platform at the PDC 2005.


Anonymous said…
It is the high time for MS to have the PDC in India.

Anonymous said…
Very nice site!
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