Mera Desh Mera Gaon (My Country My village)

This vacation was a trip to my village called Khajauli in Madhubani district of Bihar.
Now this village is tiny and still retains it pristine environment with modern amenities still a respectable "minority".
Oh yes we have TV (via DTH) and radio (AIR). The internet is still missing.
Mobile phones are again limited in no with govt. not allowing mobile towers to be put up on border areas (i am told that there is clearence from Govt. now to install mobile towers that might spring up in a few months).
Here is a glimpse in the rural life of India from my camera:
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Chandan said…
Khajauli.. yes..I know that place !
Nice pictures..and ....nostalgia kicks in. I am from 'Chachraha' village( also known as Narar kothi).. closeby...Its feels good to meet someone from so close to my village.

Anonymous said…
Hi,chandan i am from uchhal near chachraha ,my email id is .Do write to me.

Madan mohan jha

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