Live Products Install Woes Solved

I wanted to try the new Live Messenger 8.5. Live Mail and Live Writer 2 and so downloaded all of them. However, the installation didn't complete - actually it just died silently each time i would start the same.

a fix was available on (one that worked for me) and there seems to be an official fix for this:!D85741BB5E0BE8AA!1368.entry

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Vasudev said…
Yes, the same thing happened with me while installing WL writer. And i had reported the bug and promptly got the reply also from MS connect team.This was before the solution was posted on live side.
And i am posting the same here:
We're sorry that you ran into this issue. We are will have this bug fixed in our next Beta. In the meantime, could you try the following workaround?

*** This will uninstall all existing Windows Live Beta Products from your machine ***

After you run this script, you'll need to reinstall any of the Betas that you'd like to use.

1. Download this file:

2. When prompted, click “Save” to save the ZIP file to your desktop

3. Go to your desktop and open “”

4. Extract all the files to your desktop (this should create a folder “WL-Beta-Remove” on your desktop)

5. Go to your desktop and open “WL-Beta-remove” (there should be a file named “WL-Beta-Remove.cmd” in the folder)

6. Double-click on the file “WL-Beta-Remove.cmd

7. If prompted by the Open File – Security Warning, click “Run” (after clicking “Run” a window will open and you will see commands running in that Window, when the commands are finished the window will automatically close).

8. Go to and install Writer and other Windows Live Beta applications again


Charles (MSFT)

Posted by Microsoft on 6/7/2007 at 4:19 PM"
So the point to be noted here is it'll uninstall all the Live beta products.

But, what i did was, tried another ver. of the same and it installed, as i came to know that it may be happening due to some language version issue and posted about it also:
compared the 2 installers of WL writer:
(1) Earlier one :
File version : 12.0.1202.516
other version information:
File version :12.0.1202.0516
language :English (United States)
Product version:12.0.1202.0516
(2) The download that worked:
File version : 12.0.1202.516
other version information:
File version :12.0.1157.0426 (Here its different)
language:Language Neutral
Product version:12.0.1157.0426

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