Community Tools for Microsoft Developers

Microsoft Technology Developers constitute one of the largest technical communities in the world. A significant number of these communities are hosted by external parties other than Microsoft. In addition, Microsoft itself hosts a number of these communities.

Recently, I was invited to deliver a session on community tools that Microsoft developers can benefit from at Delhi User Group. I took sometime looking up these communities and was astounded by the sheer numbers of these Microsoft hosted communities. While I made all efforts to include the ones i could find, I am sure that i may have left quite a bit of them as well. If you know of something that i may have left, please leave a comment here for everyone’s benefit.

I haven’t covered the 3rd party communities in the presentation below. Also, the most obvious resource for technical info on MS technologies – MSDN & Technet have been left out.

If you are someone working with Microsoft technologies, spend a minute looking at these technology communities from Microsoft and i am sure that you would leave with some links u were not aware of.

Remember the success of the community depends on the people who actively contribute.. looking forward to ur mark in the community!

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Anonymous said…
I'll also add TechNet EDGE to the list,
It's also a nice site like Channel 8,9 and 10 with media of demos, interviews etc.
Anonymous said…
One more,
MIX - The Next Web Now
Abhishek Kant said…
here's one more that let's u experience ms products without having to install anything:
Kannu said…
Carry on your Job Like me.

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