Regional Summit at Phuket, Thailand

I will be in Phuket, Thailand from Aug 20 to Aug 24, 2004 in Phuket Thailand attending the Regional meet on MVPs and Community Stars for Asia Pacific. FYI, Thai currency is Bhat with 1 USD = 40.65 Bhat. They use 220V electricity and fall in +7:00 hrs GMT time zone...

MVP Leads and Community Program Managers from all over Asia Pacific (Korea, Taiwan, China, Australia, India and South East Asia) are gathering to discuss how MVPs can be empowered to do more. Community is the flavour of the week :)

We are staying at the JW Mariott hotel in phuket.. believe it or not, it is exactly like the Hotel we stayed in Goa for the Advocates Breakout :)

A lot of Subsidiary Updates e.g. what each subsidiary has been doing "significiant" in the past year.. it is here that MVP activities from each country gets talked about and MVP Leads either feel miserable or truly happy (depending on their presentation content)..

There will be discussions on regional programs like MSDN Connection, Community Alliance and Community Star. Budgets too get defined here.

And the rest is fun.. Details when i have my load of fun :)
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Anonymous said…
Have a nice time there. Have a safe journey.

Tejas Patel
Anonymous said…
Have a safe and sound journey.

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