MSN Search in your RSS Aggregator

Recently I went to to look at how is my blog profile looking. Then I came across a cool option by which i could search the blogs containing the term I wanted.. What was even better was the fact that you could subscribe to the results in a RSS feed format.. that way, when more references to the term are added it is visible through the RSS aggregator of choice..

Today through Scoble I came to know about the same facility in MSN Search. So whenever new results are available you can see it in your RSS viewer.. so how can you get your own search term monitored:

1. Get the query string from the MSN Beta Search website (copy the URL from the address bar after you have put in the search term and looked for it)
2. Append the ‘&format=rss’ to the query string
3. Copy this appended URL to your RSS aggregator

So what is the search term I included? “abhishek kant” – aren’t we all interested in the whispers across internet about self?
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