Event Management using Mobile Device Community Project Functional Spec

Preliminary Vision Document

User completes registration at the registration counter using the mobile device
Attendee could register for the entire event
Also, attendee should be able to select the sessions that he/she is going to attend during the event
Provide feedback to the sessions that he/ she attends. The feedback is an objective multiple choice type. Space for comments must also be maintained. Also, feedback to entire event rather than just a session should be possible.
Ad Hoc meetings and requests
Reports: reports should be available on how many people have attended the event / session. Also, a view into how many prospective participants are registered for a future session should be possible.

Users of the system:
Event Administrators
Event Managers
Event Volunteers
Attendees (Pre-registered/ Ad-Hoc/ Speaker/ Material)

Proposed tools and technology for development:
VS 2005 Beta 2 (.NET 2.0)
SQL Mobile
Pocket PC Enabled clients (Himalaya specification)
ASP.NET 2.0 Interfaces
Functionality Required:

This application provides critical opportunities for event related personnel to run an event smoothly. The event volunteers carry mobile devices to capture information and a central server manages the information by collating and providing alerts.

Module 1: Check In and Check Out
Attendee Checkin and authorisation with ad-hoc additions and registration nos
Event Session Checkin/ Checkout with authorisation
[Optional]On check-in send itenary to participants
[Optional]Seating Plan (row no, col no / table no)
Paid participant or not paid participant
Selection of tracks possible
Room sharing and with whom

Equipment Check in and check out
Gate passes issued

If speaker / performer has reached the venue/ status ..

Module 2: Notifications
Next session beginning notifications
Notification to all the registered attendees for a session / event
Transportation alerts for event Managers and attendees

Module 3: Feedback and Blogging
Feedback about the session/ event
During a session a user should be able send questions through a SMS that gets collated and the expert is able to answer each of them by viewing them at a central location.
Instant blog posting via SMS

Module 4: Administration and Event Setup

Configure the event:
Volunteer registration

Module 5: Information Modules
Event Information:
Layout Plan
Which room has what session
Which speaker required in what room
Emergency nos / Infrastructure Availability / Ambulance / Medical Assistance/ Fire/ Technical Assistance
To check for airline schedules/ aircraft arrivals and departures
Weather update for the evening

Module 6: Ad-Hoc Tickets
Provide Ad- Hoc Event Tokens to members and maintain updated list at central server
Redeem / utilize Ad-hoc tickets

Module 7: Followup activities and reminders
Mark for followup after the event
Feedback form followup
Track delivery of Post Event artifacts of CD/DVD/ Mags

Module 8: ASP.NET Online Registration
Online registration -> With thank you mail

Module 9: Ad Hoc Meetings in parallel
Side Meeting Request or Ad-Hoc Session / Meeting which is in parallel

Module 10: Expensing and Accouting
Billing Settlement with vendors
Ad- hoc claims

Module 11: Reporting
Mobile Device:
§ Attendee
§ SpeakersEquipment

The community will be building this application by the end of Nov. So watch out for its completion!

We are looking forward to your comments on what functionality should we be adding / removing from the project.

It is a community project as it is based on the feedback from community and built by the community. So let's join in to build something bigger!

you can catch the excitement at: http://www.gotdotnet.com/Workspaces/Workspace.aspx?id=e5026f44-aa34-43e1-b2ba-e0464d9a5251

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.


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