The MVP Global Summit 2007

The MVP Global Summit was held from March 12 - 15 2007 in Seattle. While the sessions on 12 & 13 were held at WSCC the sessions on 14 & 15 were scheduled at MSCC. Around 1700 MVPs attended the summit from around 90 nations.

The keynote was done by Bill Gates himself who spent time talking about future of computing as he sees it and around 45 mins answering questions from MVPs.

From India we were 35 MVPs and myself. We had the cool distinction of carrying the Indian flag that was well noticed ( and wearing our grey jackets with "INDIA" emboldened at the back.

The event was well covered in press:

Computer World:

Seattle Times:

There is much more to say about the Summit, but for now, i would let the blame fall on jetlag!


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