Community Software: Who is the fairest of them all?

I am trying to figure out what is the best solution on Microsoft Platform to host a Community?

Have downloaded the following software on my machine:
  1. ASP.NET Community Starter Kit
  2. DotNetNuke
  3. Project Hurricane
  4. CodeZone
I can think of following features that are VERY important to me (apart from the regular community features):
  1. through a single site, we should be able to host multiple chapters. e.g. for Microsoft Technologies, we should be able to host sites for ASP.NET enthusiasts, SQL Server enthusiasts etc.
  2. Though different sites on the frontend, we should have a uniform forum at the back. The forum
  3. The forums should integrate Email with the forums so that all users can get emails on the mail. They should be able to subscribe to specific forums that they want information delivered from as well.
  4. Site should support consuming RSS feeds.

Anyone can suggest the best solution?

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Dhaval Faria said…
hmm in community forum what we need more is.. a platform where Managers of the group or say community portal can discuss various issues, which is really bad currently, kind of a mailing list, but mailist is not that good, instead having a forum for a Managers would be great, so that Managers can focus on each and every issues, in email its not possible. Also we need a polling feature.. vote.. also one more feature where members of the community portal should be able to see the job openings, so we need a place where companies post job openings. That's all I can think of now.
Anonymous said…
The ASP.NET Community Starter Kit is a good choice.... The interface is easy to navigate and you can customize it as per your basic requirements...... Have not seen the otheres so cant be a good judge of the same.....
Abhishek Kant said…
thanks for very valuable suggestions..
some thoughts on whether the features can be supported..
we can enable only Managers to access a discussion list... this would enable them to discuss issues of interest to moderators/ administrators.. All software support this feature..
Polling is another feature that is covered by all the solutions suggested..
And we can provide job posting forum for various companies that users can benefit from :)
that also sets me thinking if creating a separate exchange for job and project opportunities for community members should be created..
RK said…
How about Community Server -

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