Compare .NET XML Performance to J2EE

Two new benchmarks for Web Services and XML parsing comparing the performance of .NET 2.0 Beta 2, .NET 1.1 , IBM Websphere 6.0 and Sun Java 1.5 platforms are now available at:

The benchmarks show some impressive performance gains with .NET 2.0 vs. .NET 1.1 for these scenarios.

The benchmarks, WS Test and XML Mark, were originally created by Sun Microsystems to highlight the performance of Java vs. .NET.

XML Mark tests the core XML parsing speeds in a series of both DOM build tests and streaming pull tests. Performance gains in .NET 2.0 are to the tune of 3x over .NET 1.1 and way above SUN JVM 1.5
WS Test is used to test the Web Services SOAP performance. Here, .NET 2.0 offers 3x better Web Service Performance than IBM WebSphere 6.0. .NET can support upto 3 times as many concurrent users for the operations. .NET 2.0 offers 20-40% better throughput performance than .NET 1.1.
h benchmark you can see:
A whitepaper describing the tests, results and tuning parameters
A benchmark kit that includes source code for all products tested, as well as test scripts used.

The kits can be downloaded by customers to perform their own tests.
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