Speech Application Development

Was trying to integrate Speech into an application i wrote... i realiased there are 3 options for the same:
  1. MS Agent,
  2. Microsoft Speech Application Software Development Kit (SASDK) Version 1.0, and
  3. Speech SDK 5.1 for Windows® applications

This confused me. Which one to use for what?

A little research lead me to this site that explains it well:


SASDK is primarily meant to speech enable the ASP.NET applications and SAPI is meant for Win Forms applications. MS Agent might already be a dead technology :)

Both SASDK and SAPI support TTS and voice recognition! So make your choice and get coding..

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SpeechFX is also one of the possibilites now, the MS Speech component/platform for WinFX, so now we can have a great XAML-based GUI along with a VUI.

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