Application Verifier for your code

Application Verifier is a set of run-time analysis tests that helps detect execution errors in unmanaged programs. The errors detected by Application Verifier deal mostly with application compatibility, stability, and security issues.

Application Verifier is a runtime verification tool for unmanaged code that assists in quickly finding subtle programming errors that can be extremely difficult to identify with normal application testing. Application Verifier is designed specifically to detect and help debug memory corruptions and critical security vulnerabilities. It makes it easier to create reliable applications by monitoring an application's interaction with the Windows operating system, profiling its use of objects, the registry, the file system, and Win32 APIs (including heaps, handles, locks, and more). It also includes checks to predict how well the application will perform under Least-privileged User Account operation.

This initial release includes the following tests:
Basics: Exceptions, handles, heaps, locks, memory, TLS Low Resource Simulation LuaPriv Miscellaneous: Dangerous APIs & Dirty Stacks

Updates will be available on a quarterly basis.

you can download the same at:
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