Bloggers in India

I attended the Delhi Bloggers Meet yesterday (DBM). Amongst numerous interesting conversations that happened one was of Blogger's in India vis-a-vis the world.
Some interesting facts from Blogwise,
No. of Blogs registered in each country:
India - 1719
United Kingdom (6139)
United States (41679)
Australia (2281)
Brazil (1773)
Canada (4896)
France (2978)
Italy (1818)
Spain (2407)

It is not great deal that more developed nations (does Brazil into the same category?) have more no of blogs registered at the site. Does internet penetration = more blogs?

does blogging have anything to do with culture (country) or gender or age?

What is interesting is that the following countries with high Internet penetration have lower no of blogs registered:
Germany (1364)
Philippines (1326)
China (507)

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Anonymous said…
You did not mention Japan, Korea which also have a very high penetration of Internet.
I think the skew can be attributed to the blogwise site being in English only.

I just added my blog, this is the response
"There are currently 4641 blog(s) in the queue. Your blog is expected to be added within 21 day(s)."
Anonymous said…
The skew is definitely there, and I suspect you're right to attribute it to the language of Blogwise (and current lack of UTF-8 support; we're working on it!)

Off the top of my head places like MSN Spaces and Yahoo attract huge numbers of Chinese, Japanese, Korean, etc. bloggers in their respective country-targeted services. I'm not immediately aware of stats for India.
Anonymous said…
not all bloggers register at blogwise so the number may fluctuate to something even more. also there are many blogs which are there no more, so those cannot be included.
Abhishek Kant said…
blogwise might not be the authority on the blog stats as it is just a service (not an authority) on blogs. my post was an attempt to probably find a trend in the background of no central authority on blogging.
the language factor mentioned earlier by sven and manik is probably true.
probably, we need to create an aggregated view of the blogging space including local (non-english) blogging ecosystems in mind too.
In India, a lot of blogs are hosted off I haven't seen the stats from rediff to make a comment on the same.

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