'cause Delhi Bloggers Meet rocked!

Here's my rocking experience about the DBM held at DV8, CP.
Firstly, this was my first time to DV8.. so it took me some time to park my vehicle and find the bar (of course had to call Tarun to get the exact location).. while at DV8, the first impression (and consequently most impressionable) that I had of the DBM was "whew!! bunch of neo-culturists".. now the word "neo-culturists" is self coined (for the more literary inclined!) and has positive connotations... don't ask me too much about it as i am still working to define this!
a brief pause here - why do i get to these blog meets ?Ans: To meet people from fields beyond IT.
the DBM started with a round of introductions between the 13-14 odd bloggers. and oh! did i forget the booze and food? interesting to see the varied set of people at the same table. though i believe journalists (freelancers and full time) and IT guys are the majority. in the eclectic bunch, around 4 of us were from IT, another 3 from media, 4 from advertising/ MR.
it was most interesting to meet TTG, vulturo and the other "elite" bloggers :).. actually vulturo and I had a lot of conversation around open source.. was interesting to see the PoV by vulturo that was partly capitalist, partly utopian, partly freedom line...
the other interesting conversation was about the media and career as freelance journalists.. it came out you need to know the people from media industry (editors, existing journalists) to gain a foothold as freelance.. the concept of SME (subject matter expert) though beat me. cudn't understand how can a journalist be an expert in Windows Server Technology... i guess they can be sector experts (just like the equity researchers!)
the usual discussions on the ToI fiasco, the presence of 2 DBMs in the city and the politics took up the remaining time..
the changes that attending 2 DBMs have brought upon me:1. i am seriously mulling over starting an anonymous blog and 2. i am posting more personal stuff than technical stuff (is this evolution/ devolution)????
the DBM lasted for around 3 hours after which i had to leave (definitely unwillingly)... this DBM just whet my appetite for the next one :)
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