Good looking event countdown gadget

For MVPs and myself, one of the most important events to look forward to is the MVP Global Summit. I am so excited to be going to the event and getting to meet all the MVPs that i had created a MVP Global Summit Countdown and shared it with all the MVPs.

In true spirit of the community, one of the MVPs has taken the gadget and enhanced it further to make it look better! it is now available for download at:

One of the interesting uses for the gadget it that you can use it for any countdown that you want to have for an event (think your wife's birthday, your anniversary, your child's school play, project submission deadline or whatever...

right now you will have to open up the gadget manually and make the changes that may / may not be easy to do!

One of the further enhancements that can be done is to simplify changing the event you are tracking! this would mean modifying the gadget to accept any date and start the countdown for the same :)



Vasudev said…
Yes, abhishek, i came across it just yesterday from the Laurent Duveau's blog. And he has credited to you for the idea. Here's the link

Can I use it, modifying for other events? I was thinking of modifying for the World Cup.

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