Learn the new world of designing with MS Tools

Microsoft is not a company that has been associated with designers. It is about to change! With release of Expression suite of products and a solid WPF framework, designers are the focus now  (you can expect Steve B to go - designers, designers, designers sometime soon :))

The material on learning these new set of technologies is still scarce or spread widely. Community support for the product continues to grow. Dax Pandhi has started a new webcast series on harnessing this set of technologies and it sure looks good.

If you are a designer and have been content with PhotoShop/ Flash, there is a new set of tools you can now learn. The market for these technologies are only going to grow with the coming times. If you know them, you can ride the wave early and you know the saying - " early bird gets the worm"...

learn on..

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Cheers 

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