Microsoft Office Outlook Connector 12.0 Has Shipped!

The Outlook Connector has been released from Microsoft. This tool overcomes the disability of Live Mail of providing POP3 access to the mailboxes. With this tool you can use Outlook 2003 or Outlook 2007 to access and manage your Windows Live Hotmail or Office Live Mail accounts, including e-mail messages and contacts! Calendar, tasks and notes can also be accessed and managed in Outlook for accounts with a paid subscription. it also provides support for blocking junk emails.

Outlook connector uses a new technology called "Delta Sync" that lets mails sync much faster than any other mail service.

The product was tested by more than 120,000 beta testers in just two months.

One can get the build from here.

However, in my opinion if you want to experience completely FREE version of offline access to hotmail and other email clients you got to be using Windows Live Mail (WLM). Windows Live Mail is going to replace Outlook Express and is generations ahead.....

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