Windows Live Skydrive in BETA

Microsoft steals inovation over Google! it has now released a public BETA of erstwhile Live Folders TODAY... this is an open BETA available in the US, UK, and India.

this is now called Windows Live SkyDrive: . so head over there and get your 500 MB of online space NOW!

This feature update includes the following:

· An upgraded look and feel – new graphics to go along with your new features!
· “Also on SkyDrive” – easily get back to the SkyDrives you’ve recently visited
· Thumbnail images – we heard you loud and clear, and now you can see thumbnails of your image files
· Drag and drop your files – sick of our five-at-a-time upload limit? Drag and drop your files right onto your SkyDrive
· Embed your stuff anywhere – with just a few clicks, post your files and folders anywhere you can post html

You can find more detail at team blog:

Another first is inclusion of India in the BETA release.. i think it may very well be the first product that has launched in India alongwith US!

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