MVP Nominations now OPEN!

MVP nominations will be open from mid-night tonight i.e. July 26 2004 till August 12, 2004. If you think you are ready to become an MVP (Microsoft Valuable Professional), nominate yourself at:

More information on MVP Program is available at: (International)

So who should nominate themselves for the MVP award:
1. If you have been contributing to the technical community (posting on newsgroups,running user groups, article writing, doing web chats/web casts etc) for the past year
2. If you intend to continue your contibution to the community
3. If you get excited with the idea of working with microsoft products

There is a very stringent review process for the MVP nominations. Nominations do not gurantee the AWARD of MVP status...

So are you up for it?


Anonymous said…
Ah! Thanks Abhishek, this we have Form style to sumbit application. last time it took me 5 hrs to download infopath.
But i do not get any confirmation wheather my request has been received or not! Internet connection was not good when i subbmited the form. so i am little doubtful.

Jignesh Desai
MUG: Assit-Manager.
Abhishek Kant said…
the nomination website just display a notification if the nomination is received by us.
if you did not see the notification, there are 2 reasons:
1. due to bad internet connection, the form might not have been submitted.
2. due to bad internet connection, the notification page could not be displayed. this is unlikely as this page is pure text and very light as well.
Anonymous said…

any tentive dates on Announcing mvp names


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