DotNetNuke and Community Server

In my quest for finding an apt solution (rugged and comprehensive) for community site needs, i evaluated quite a bit of softwares.. to name a few:
  1. ASP.NET Community Starter Kit
  2. Project Hurricane
  3. Project Rainbow
  4. DotNetNuke
  5. Community Server
  6. Flexwiki

After having manually installed all the above on my machine, i think the answer lies not in one but a combination of the sites. I would think a combination of DotNetNuke, Community Server and Flexwiki provides the best choice.

for all of them to be used, the simplest would be to install each of them in a different virtual directory and link them all through links on each others sites..

but that would essentially mean people logging in again and again when they transition from one site to another. so an identity management system is needed between these sites. A brief on integration of DNN and Community Server can be found on:

It has also being discussed at the Community Server forums here:

Telligent Systems is working on releasing a DNN module for CS shortly.. but this has been procrastinated for too now and there is no release date still being provided...

So, when i plan for the site, i would also be looking at future possibility of integration between DNN and CS.

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