Podcasting - I am in!

I have a little MP3 player (little as in little storage capacity!) that i have recorded a few songs. I have always been wondering on if i can do anything more than just record songs on the MP3 player.. funny enough, though i listen to songs often i am not a music junkie :)

amongst other things i like to read RSS feeds from various sources (especially the Indian MVPs :)).. in the recently concluded MEDC (where Windows Mobile 5.0 was introduced), they have made available podcasts from the event.. so what is a podcast i wondered?

Neatly tucked away at the bottom of the MEDC page was a link introducing podcasts: http://www.microsoft.com/windowsmobile/5/podcasts.mspx

well it was interesting reading it and I immidiately installed podcasting software from ipodder.com :).. ok i am all set.. but wait what now?? I needed to know more..

Here is a link that set the exploration in motion : http://www.engadget.com/entry/8895804146957771/

and to quote from Engadget: "Doc Searls may have said it best: “PODcasting will shift much of our time away from an old medium where we wait for what we might want to hear to a new medium where we choose what we want to hear, when we want to hear it, and how we want to give everybody else the option to listen to it as well.”"

the real break came when i stumbled upon an MVPs site for digitial media: http://www.jakeludington.com/podcasting/

the realisation that i missed out on an important use of RSS for audio and video content syndication quickly set in me.. i subscribed to the Engadget's podcast immidiately and now am out to discover more..

the real power of podcasting still didn't dawn on me.. a critical piece to podcasting is "rich media on the device you want".. so now my MP3 player (that had been gathering dust for some time) came to my mind.. and it was then that i realised that podcasting really is about getting content on the device of your choice..

on Jake's site, you will find extensive information on how to get the podcast on your MP3 player with minimum effort once the setup is in place.. essentially that means:
  1. configuring ippoder application to get fresh content from subscribed feeds
  2. configuring Windows Media Player to sync the MP3 player device upon connection
I was able to do both the things with minimum effort and hoping that the settings work in future :)

And if you are now interested in getting your own podcast in place, here is where you want to go:

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