Exchange Server 2007 is released

Microsoft has shipped Exchange Server 2007 to manufacturing. Customers can sign up for a free evaluation of the software at this Web site. Over 500,000 beta testers helped shape and strengthen it.

Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 delivers fantastic:

· Unified Messaging that delivers voice mail and fax messages to the Exchange inbox

· Greater mobility support – for example, IT administrators can enforce security policies on mobile devices with greater control and granularity and end-users get full fidelity HTML mail

· 64-bit architecture that allows organizations to increase the number of users per server or allow larger mailbox quotas while reducing per-mailbox storage costs

· Anti-spam that ensures mail from your contacts gets through, while keeping the bad stuff out

Today within Microsoft over 125,000 mailboxes are running on Exchange Server 2007 with more than 30,000 of those enabled for Unified Messaging.  They currently have great availability of around 99.95%!  

the only thing that seems to bother SMEs is the fact that Exchange Server 2007 can only run on x64 hardware that is still not plenty in India.


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