TitsBits on blogging

Going through a BusinessWeek quiz, i some to know some interesting factoids that i would like to share:

Forrester says that 25% US adults in US read a blog. However, only 11% publish a blog at least once a month. And amongst online youth 21% publish a blog and 37% read a blog.

112 mn blogs are currently being tracked by technorati and could be the universe of blogs. it is estimated that 120,000 new blogs are created everyday.

However the active blogging universe could be closer to 13 million blogs.

On the earning potential of blogs, top 10% of Federated Media Bloggers income per month is around USD 50000.

here are some more names worth knowing from the Social Media space:

Caterina Fake - creator of Flickr

David Sifry – Creator of Technorati

Dave Winer – Creator of Podcasting
Bob Lutz, VC of GM blog is Fastlane

The one trend that is coming up is the blurring of lines between main stream media and the bloggers. Today every major media publication has a blog. many of the online media houses are authoring content in the blog format that people find easy to digest. here is an insight on how publication industry works:

We come up with an idea. We read, we discuss in-house, and then we interview all sorts of experts and take their pictures. We urge them not to spill the beans about what we're working on. It's a secret. Finally, we write. Then the story goes through lots and lots of editing. And when the proofreaders have had their last look, someone presses the button and we launch a finished product on the world.

but blogs are simple and truthful… what comes to mind is written and that is why they are loved!

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