Windows Vista – Underestimated?

Some facts (and not opinions or hearsay) about Vista:

1. Worldwide Reach: Over 140 million licenses sold to date.

2. Adopted as fast as Windows XP: Millions of enterprise seats deployed, and growing on pace to deploy at a similar rate to Windows XP among businesses.

3. Enhanced Security: Less than half the vulnerabilities of Windows XP; a machine is 60% less likely to be infected with malware vs. Windows XP

4. Hardware Compatible: Over 79,000 devices and components are supported out of the box – 47,000 more since RTM.

5. Application Compatible: Over 200 Line of Business applications unblocked, 99 percent of top selling consumer applications are compatible.

6. Solid Performance: In recent tests, Windows Vista Service Pack 1 was noticeably more responsive after rebooting than Windows XP on several common business operations.

7. Total Cost of Ownership: Reports show $251 per mobile PC per year in cost savings.

8. Energy Efficient: Energy savings of $38.3 thousand per year for a well-managed 2,500 PC organization.

Some Positive articles about Vista in press:

· CRN, “Shout it from the rooftops: Vista’s more secure,”

· CBS News, “Don’t Fear the Vista from Your Windows,”

· CNET, “Microsoft to businesses: Now is the time to switch to Vista,”

· Wall Street Journal, “Vista Looks to Pioneers,”

· PC World, “Windows Vista: 15 Reasons to Switch,”,128656/printable.html

·, ”Why Upgrade to Vista?”

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