Community Launch in Trivandrum

I am going to Trivandrum for the Community Launch there on Jan 21st. More details avaialble on:

Addressing the set of developers interested in VS 2005 and SQL 2005, I will concentrate on two things:

  1. SQL Mobile (with a little focus on CF development on Mobile 5.0)
  2. Community Avenues

You can prepare for the above two presentations using the following resources:


Community Avenues:

The last time i was in Trivandrum, it was for a presentation on Security Technologies for networking professionals.

This time around too I am excited to be reaching the tip of India!

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Anonymous said…
Hi Abhi,
Thanks for your quick session on SQL Mobile. Hope you will post the presentation in your blog.

Arun said…
Your Presentation was nice.Instead of playing that parikrama theme song you could have gone more deep into the product though :)

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