My New Year Resolutions

this will be my first new year post.
New Year is here. Everyone is making resolutions and i was wondering what would I want to do in the new year. As i look forward to the new year, I would like to do the following:
  1. Be fitter. Not thinner. I would like to sweat more so that when i hit the bed my muscles ache.
  2. Take the message of MVP Program and community to everyone. I dream that everyone knows what is community and how to participate in communities. When once utters "MVP", everyone knows what is being talked about. I want it to be a household name.
  3. Make the MVP program come together as a team. In India, we have excelled as individuals but failed as teams. I desire that the MVP Program in South Asia excels as a team and shares the laurel of success together.
  4. Retain the MVPs in the program. MVP program is valid for an year. After every year, MVPs have to be renewed based on their contribution for the past year. Every time as we announce new MVPs we also have to announce the departing MVPs. It is extremely saddening and i would like to retain all the MVPs in program.
  5. Launch the community portals. There are MS technologies that still lack community participation e.g. Windows, Office, Gaming. I want to make a difference so that the entire Indian population can participate in community and benefit mutually.

But most importantly, be a better person this year than last and learn to be more loving in everyday life!

Cheers to the new year and cheers to life!

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