I am going to Nagpur

Nagpur in Central India is where i am headed tomorrow. I will be attending the "Go Embedded 2006" event hosted by Kantekar School of Embedded Technology.
The event is targetted towards primarily students and various sessions will be conducted on embedded technology. Around 500 attendees are expected.
More details can be found at: http://goembedded.kicit.com/?page_id=27
I have a 30 min slot to make my mark.. on my laundry list of items to present are:
  1. Demo a bluetooth application to manage my presentation
  2. Embedded Community Resources
  3. Code4Bill Contest
  4. SQL Mobile Quick Demo (maybe!!)
  5. MVP Program

Is there anything else that i should talk about?

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Sunil Jagadish said…
The BT application to control a PPT is cool!
Anonymous said…
Hi Abhishek!

I attended the "Go Embedded" seminar held at Nagpur. Ur presentation was good ..It was in a way really inspiring for me. Its true that Nagpur seems little cut off from the latest trends in technology. But i think there are resources available at ease which people in any city can make use of to keep pace with technology. The one is INTERNET and browsing thru net can give a person ample amt of knowledge. But it completely depends on a person how much he wants to explore and know about. Being in Nagpur or any place is not the reason for being cutoff. It just depends on person to person how much he is passionate to learn more and above all MAINTAIN that passion.
Thats wat my views are.
Abhishek Kant said…
It is good to know that you liked the presentation. Thanks!
the point that I was trying to make is there is ample opportunity available to students now. Internet is great leveller. It is upto students to make the maximum use of the same.
I see various international competitions being by students from world over except India.
We have the talent, we have the potential, then why can't we win? I think 'cause we are too lazy to have a dream and do something about it!
I am glad to see there is something that you want to do about it and I wish you all the luck!

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