.NET usage Data within MS

Here is something that has been on back of my mind and i am glad to find some data for the same..
the thing is whether .NET has been adopted within MS or not? largely for platform products the language of choice still remains C/ C++. However, tools on the products e.g. reporting tools, websites, MMC etc can be built on .NET. As an illustration of how deep is .NET in MS products, here are some hard facts:

o Visual Studio 2005: 7.5 million lines

o SQL Server 2005: 3 million lines

o BizTalk Server: 2 million lines

o Visual Studio Team System: 1.7 million lines

o Windows Presentation Foundation: 900K lines

o Windows Sharepoint Services: 750K lines

o Expression Interactive Designer: 250K lines

o Sharepoint Portal Server: 200K lines

o Content Management Server: 100K lines

Of my personal experience, working on BTS Rosettanet and Financial Services accelerator, quite a bit was .NET (almost 90%). one time we had to consider COM was when writing MMC that was still not available in .NET version then. Today you have MMC 3.0 that you can use .NET to code in.
Now, WinFX technologies are another scene altogether. Not much can be seen in public built on the same. But i think, we can see some cool apps coming out in future on the same...


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