Deciphering early adopter programs in Microsoft

In Microsoft each product release is preceded by controlled Betas and early adopter programs. there programs provide the development teams with loads of feedback and help focus on issues most critical to customers. The major drawback here is that these programs are more reactive - you have to take a finished product and comment on it. the engagement with MVPs is much deeper where the engagement might begin right from drawing board stage.

Here is the guide to the early adopter programs available from MS:

Technology Adoption Program (TAP)
TAP provides depth support, labs and training for a select group of few companies that are already well advanced in developing using particular technology. TAP commences and will runs until RTM.
It is focussed on enterprises, ISVs and VARs.
It might contain more specific programs focussed on user experience, app compatability within the larger TAP.

Enterprise GO
Enterprise GO enables companies to experience the value of Microsoft’s next generation technologies firsthand. Enterprises look for proof that new technologies provide the value and quality they need for their business solutions. Enterprise GO delivers customer evidence by providing deep-engagement benefits for enterprises building solutions on new technologies.

ISV Ascend
Ascend is a program targeted at Managed ISV’s world-wide. Partners are invited into the program either by a Microsoft ISV DE or for Global accounts, through their Microsoft BDM/TE. The goal of this program is to build a strong ecosystem of ISV products ready to go live in the market at RTM + 90. This program ensures that the ISVs have everything from training to support to build a successful product on new technology.

ISV Touchdown
Touchdown is designed to drive field-managed ISVs to build solutions on the Microsoft Platform. The Touchdown program is supported through content, budget, and infrastructure by Corporate, but delivered by the field. The essential program offerings are: 2-3 days of deep training delivered by selected CPLS partners; Application compatibility labs; and access to support through Beta One Services. The goal is field managed ISVs completing solutions on a specific Microsoft product by RTM + 180 days.

Apart from this you will also hear about Airlifts that are training sessions conducted anywhere in the world for partners.

Every technology wave is free to define its own set of early adopter programs, the above being most common and prevelant today for Vista/ WinFX Suite of technologies.

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Anonymous said…
Your RSS feed is not working since few days. Check it.
Saurabh.K said…
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Saurabh.K said…
Abhishek... I wanna know what are the basic hardware requirements for Windows Vista OS ??... I searched on the entire Microsoft Site but couldnt get it... I need a new pc.. so please out of ur busy schedule can u drop me few line...
Abhishek Kant said…
well the hardware specs are available on MS.COM. Refer:

In brief to enable Windows Aero:
• CPU — PC systems should have a modern CPU.
• RAM — PC systems should have 512MB of memory or more.
• GPU — PC systems should have a DirectX 9 class graphics processor.

1. DirectX 9 class graphics hardware that supports WDDM and Pixel Shader 2.0

2. A minimum of 32 bits per pixel

3. Appropriate graphics memory for specified monitor resolutions expressed as total pixels (X dimension multiplied by Y dimension): e.g. 128MB of graphics memory to support a single monitor at resolutions higher than 786,432 pixels and less than or equal to 1,920,000 pixels

4. Graphics memory bandwidth, as assessed by Windows Vista’s built in system assessment tool WinSAT.EXE, of at least 1,800MB/s at following resolution: e.g. Desktop PC: at a monitor resolution of 1,310,720 pixels (equivalent to 1280 x 1024)

For Windows Vista logo program:
Abhishek Kant said…
i am investigating disappearence of RSS feeds.. i think it is due to presence of custom tags from Office suite that has rendered feedburner incapable of correctly rendering RSS feeds..

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