BlogCamp Delhi: Collaboration and learning in Blogosphere

Everyone knows that blogs are an individual medium. And there are more than 60 mn bloggers in the world... The needs, frustrations, aspirations and thoughts of these 60 mn does have a remarkable similarity… and in delhi we collaborate together at Delhi bloggers & New Media Society (DBNMS):

blog-camp On Saturday, May 24th, the group in collaboration with IBNMS came together at BlogCamp Delhi to learn and share with each other. The event was conducted in the international format of a Blog Camp where the participants become presenters and attendees choose the sessions they want to attend by themselves! The venue of the event was the Microsoft Office in Nehru Place who graciously opened up their office to welcome the bloggers (though we started late at 10:30 only). Not only that they also let the attendees experience the XBOX 360 thunder via a kiosk put up there. Lunch was from the Golden Arch in form of burgers that were quickly devoured by the active folks there :)

The atmosphere at the BlogCamp was all about collaboration, learning and sharing. The BlogCamp logo above was developed by one of the members Sudipta Sengupta. The spirit of sharing was in the air as two volunteers immidiately jumped in to help open up the registration desk.. a spirit like this is difficult to find otherwise.

The cricket match in the city on the same day lost 50 attendees as they chose to be participants at BlogCamp Delhi. The sessions that finally got presented were:

  1. Introduction to IBNMS
  2. Blogging in Hindi
  3. 4Ps of Blog Marketing
  4. Corporate Blogging
  5. Open Access
  6. How to monetize Blog effectively
  7. Twittering
  8. Basic SEO
  9. Photo Blogging
  10. Smart Blogging can fetch you good money

The photos were clicked voraciously by Abhijit and are posted online at:

And amit gupta has now posted his photos here:

I presented an hour long session on Corporate Blogging. This covered what challenges does a company face when it decides to start blogging. The information helps a company ease its way into blogging avoiding costly mistakes. You can view my presentation below:

There were a few journalists at the event who were well tuned to the topics being discussed there. A camera crew from NDTV 24x7 covered the event and held some focused interviews (i had the luck to share my views too!)

When the new media is the name of the group, could the event be limited to the confines of the location? the event was broadcast live over internet at: Around 15 attendees from all over the country logged on to participate in the sessions including the very famous Amit Agarwal of Digital Inspiration..

and if you were on the twitter you would have felt the shake-up at where Arjun Ghosh twittered the event live. all the buzz on the twitterville can be seen here:

my key takeaway from the blogcampdelhi was that the participants eagerly agreed on that bloggers need to support each other much more than they currently do.. due to this support, the bloggers in US command much more attention than in India. we need to think about how can we make each other more visible and strong.

the other opportunity that could present itself was aggregation of bloggers for collective advertising on their blogs. Everyone agrees that adsense throws pennies. the real way to monetise a blog would be to present a single front to the advertisers (rather than via ad networks)...

we hope to conduct many such successful & valuable sessions… nothing would be possible without the support of the participants and we hope to bring more value to them in the future…. if you have a suggestion or comment about the event, please share with us via comments here.


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