Internet Marketing: Microsoft experiments with User Generated Content

In any internet marketing or Web 2.0 conference (e.g. BlogCamp Delhi), case studies are often quoted of how great user generated content is. The case studies are mostly geared around how brand X led generation of videos that provided the next BIG idea to the company!

social_media_marketing Now Microsoft has delved into this internet marketing by launching a video contest at: The idea is to finish a story for which Act I has already being done. Budding filmmakers are then encouraged to pick up the story and submit their scripts for Act 2. The contest community will then vote to determine which scripts will become finalists and those filmmakers will be presented with the equipment needed to make their film, including Sony HDR-SR11 camcorders, Falcon laptops, Windows Vista Ultimate, and Pinnacle editing software. Finalists' videos will then be voted on to determine the winner!

The process will be repeated for a third act and then end result will be a three part film created by three different filmmakers.

Now, we have heard plenty of good work that Bollywood does in India. Would a film school student take the time to outshine the international experts? Does India have what it takes to appeal to international audiences?

We’ll see when the script submission deadline ends on June 2nd..

You can watch the first of the three videos here.


Anonymous said…
Interesting !
Carried on
Anonymous said…
Offering businesses the opportunity to enhance their online presence through media articles which link directly to the client's websites.


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