MS Live Offers CashBack on shopping

“The Search That Pays You Back” – is the promise of newly launched Cashback program from Microsoft Live Search.

how3icon2In this program a shopper on the internet can earn cashback on every purchase that he/ she makes on the web provided they used Live Search to get to the site.

This is a MARVELOUS program and provides a great value for the consumer. for simply using a search engine, this is a very good return. Live Search definitely becomes search engine of my choice when going shopping…

UntitledTo give this program a spin, I searched for Zune 80 on the Cashback site and at one store was getting a 10% cashback… this means I get a Zune $ 24 cheaper than the market! all ‘cause of the site i use to access the shopping site..

The cashback would start reflecting in your account immediately but it will accrue to you only after 60 days – a mail-in rebate that works! One can request the money to be sent once the amount reaches $5.. while the money can be sent as a cheque, alternative payment mechanisms like PayPal also exist.

the shopping site here also gains as they get additional traffic by choosing to be affiliated with Live Search.. the site needs to pay Microsoft only when the purchase is made (also called Cost Per Action), thereby delivering return for the merchant as well.

The concept is the same as any other loyalty program available from various companies / stores e.g. LifeStyle or Shoppers Stop or Jet Airways.. the stores/ airlines promote their membership to promote stickiness with the merchants. Through this initiative Live Search is trying to woo the shoppers on the internet and by providing cash incentive would ensure stickiness….

Get started with Live Seach Cashback ..

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UPDATE: Here is an entire experience of making a transaction using Cashback on Live Search.


Anonymous said…
Interesting blog. It's gives me a good insight.
Anonymous said…
Interesting article gives me a good insight. I will have a look at livesearch now it's christmas.

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