E3 - Significant News for Gaming Industry and India

Microsoft has made some ground breaking annoucements in E3. And when i say ground breaking, it is a change that will reflect in the whole gaming industry for long long time. Being an avid gamer myself, I am extremely pleased with the annoucements made and think they are truly "KICK ASS".. truly innovative and truly a thought leader.. so on with the revolution:
  1. Live Anywhere: It began with a humble XBOX Live that made multiplayer gaming a reality and popular. the next frontier is gaming experience irrespective of the device you are on. that means that one could be playing the same game on XBOX or on Windows Mobile Device or on Windows PC or on Mobile Gaming Console (rumored to be being built already!!).. towards this end, "Shadowrun" (FASA Studios) will be available for cross-platform gameplay between Xbox 360 and Windows Vista this winter.
  2. Microsoft’s mobile gaming initiative: A mobile games service spanning Windows Mobile, Java and BREW handsets. The service will give gamers access to a great library of game that gamers can try before they buy.
  3. XBOX in India: Till date, XBOX was not released in India. Of course, you could get one from many stores who stocked it illegaly. Now it is going to be released in India (question is - is it going to be XBOX 360 or just XBOX)? Cheers to the XBOX release in India. I know of no dates currently of launch. I know that to afford XBOX, MS should come up with a financing scheme as well (preferably 0%)...
  4. Grand Theft Auto 4 on XBOX 360: This popular game will be available on XBOX 360 from DAY 1.

The amount of vision and innovation in the above annoucements make it only visible the commitment of MS to entertainment world and that MS is soon going to be the dominant player there.

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