Microsoft gets focussed about Ads business - MSN AdCenter

Microsoft has been delivering ads for sometime now on it online properties that includes - MSN Messenger, MSN Websites, Hotmail, XBOX live and paid MSN Chat services. What makes it interesting is the recent annoucement that MS is going all guns after the ads business - consider this MS plans to spend $1.1 billion next fiscal year on research and development in MSN/ Live Services, up from $700 million in planned spending this year and $500 million in the prior year. Also, the hardware expenses/ capital expenditure is estimated $500 million on capital expenses in fiscal 2007, up from $100 million in fiscal 2005 and an estimated $300 million this year.

With those figures in mind, i am sure one can be sure of the seriousness of the Microsoft initiative.

At the seventh annual MSN Strategic Account Summit, Steve Ballmer announced the launch of Microsoft adCenter in the US -- the online advertising platform for Microsoft and soon for thousands of websites and partners that operate on the Internet.

Microsoft adCenter has been rated as the best converting search advertising platform, above Google, Yahoo and AOL by Search Engine market firms and ad clients.
The USP: It is the only search advertising platform that allows the advertiser to learn the demographics of who is searching before they pay for a click. (google adsense doesn't support that either!!)
Finally, Microsoft adCenter is the only search advertising platform that offers advertisers the ability to use incremental demographic targeting to more effectively reach their audience.

Learn more about Microsoft adCenter on or

You can experience the advertising experience at: and

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