Office 2007 BETA 2 Released

Today Microsoft released beta 2 of Office 2007. This beta is publicly available for download at

Also check out the community site for Office 2007 at:
This site also has some great information regarding Office 2007 on it.

The beta user will rely on peer-to-peer support; consequently, the Office team is facilitating the organization of an online community, the Microsoft Office Beta Community
The site will include articles, customer evidence documents, chats, featured blogs, and links to newsgroups and newsletters.

Please participate in the beta community by sharing your knowledge!
Ø Take part in the various newsgroups.
Ø Attend or suggest a topic for one of the live chat events.
Ø Use the site and suggest ways to improve upon it.

Llook forward to seeing you in the discussions, chats and blogs on the Office Beta Community.

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