What Visual Studio Express can't do

· No Source control
· No Test support (unit testing, load testing, manual test, generic test, ordered test, etc)
· Limited Refactorings (rename, extract method only)
· No Obfuscation tools
· No Java Language Conversion Assistant
· No extensibility (no add-ins, macros, or VSIP packages)
o Example: the Refactor! add-in for VB 2005 can only work in Standard or higher
· No Performance/Profiling tools
· No 64-bit support
· No deployment tools
· No Class Designer or Object Test Bench
· No Mobile development
· No MFC programming
· No tools to connect to remote data (VWD does though)
· Limited Debugging (No conditional breakpoints, no tracepoints, no hit count, etc)
· No database projects (managed stored procedures)
· No Whitehorse designers (Application Diagram, System Diagram, Logical Datacenter diagram)
· No Crystal Reports
· No WCAG/Section 508 Accessibility checking
· No Office Development
· No Setup/Deployment projects (ClickOnce only)
· No Windows Services
· No Build Tools (Batch Build, Configuration Manager, Project Dependencies, Build Order, etc)
· No Code Analysis tools (FxCop integration)
· No Server Explorer (performance counters, event logs, WMI events, Crystal reports, etc)
· No SQL Server Reporting Services for Windows
· No Performance Guided Optimizations (POGO)
· No Team Foundation Server integration

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Also: no breakpoint list window (except for C++)
... now this is just plain mean, why would MS take THAT out??

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