To Web Developers, Designers and Groovy Digital Artists

You heard about MIX06 that happened in Las Vegas? Didn't??

Here's an opporunity to feel the MIXer away from LV on your comfortable seat while the summer outside burns your circuitry :) .. MIX06 has put all the 52 sessions online for everyone to view.. no registration code, no fee nothing... point and get the content at MIX06 site:

Some of the content you can see:
  • Test drive "Atlas," Microsoft's powerful new framework for building crossbrowser, crossplatform AJAX applications

  • Explore Windows Live!, Microsoft's new consumer services strategy

  • Learn how to deliver revolutionary, mediarich Web content with the new Windows Presentation Foundation

  • Find out how to extend your content, media and services into the living room with Windows Media Center and Xbox 360TM

  • More than 50 separate sessions and discussions for Web developers, designers and business professionals

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