MVPs get better services on MVP Secure Site

MVPs are the best of the breed in technology! "Best" - people who are valuable to the community and help others in times of their needs. MVP stands for "Most Valuable Professional" and is an award given out to celebrate their community contribution!

MVPs have a secure website from where they can avail of all the services exclusively available to them. Till now they had services like profile availability on with ability to federate across multiple pages, member downloads...

Microsoft has enhanced services to them (further affirming their commitment to MVPs) by improving this service. New services added to the MVP site are:
  1. New MVP Nomination Form where current MVPs can nominate other candidates. After the nomination, a stringent process is followed to select deserving candidates.
  2. An Event Calendar that lists all the events and in which you can search for events in many ways. Also, an ability to add events in your Outlook calendar :). The page uses AJAX framework extensively!
  3. Notification Manager that provides notifications as email or RSS on specific events that you can choose.

Apart from these some enhancements to the service has also been made:

  1. Search functionality for MVP Downloads
  2. Search funcationality for MVP Profiles

Now, if you are wondering how to see these cool features, you have to be an MVP first.

Know more about the MVP Program and get yourself nominated.

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