The LPG Delivery - Gas weighs less

This one's not a technical post!

This post narrated how a low tech solution also works. The incident in question is home delivery of LPG cyclinders on which the very essence of a household exists. We like many other consumers in India get gas cyclinders from a gas agency that ensures door delivery of the 30 Kg LPG cylinders. Mostly, we tend to trust the gas delivery guys and the gas company for delivering the right amount of gas as stipulated and no one ever checked the weight of the cylinder.

This time we used a bathroom weighing scale to weigh the LPG cylinder delivered to our home and as suspected it was 4 kgs less than what it should weigh. On confronting the delivery guy, he readily changed the cyclinder and got a fresh cyclinder that was of the right weight.

Here's the inside story and math associated with it:
14 kgs of gas costs INR 298 i.e. INR 21.3 / kg. So one steals 4 kgs (INR 85 i.e. 30%) of the gas amount from each cyclinder. Assuming 100 cylinders gets delivered per day, it is an income of INR 8500. Monthly that translates to INR 2,55,000/- which is quite an amount to be earning out of being dishonest!

the moral of the story: weigh your LPG cyclinder that is delivered to your home and make sure it is the same weight as it says on the receipt.

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.


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